Implantation failure is reproductive failure after embryo transfer. Although there is always a probability after in vitro fertilization that the embryo does not implant in the mother's womb, there is a type of infertility that bears his name and is the failure or failure of embryonic implantation, explains gynecologist in Lajpat Nagar. The patient with this diagnosis is the one who, after the transfer of 6 embryos, cannot get pregnant. If the implantation failure occurs in the first treatment, after an in vitro fertilization , it is an acceptable failure, taking into account that with own eggs the IVF success rate It is 47% and with donated eggs 65%. The problem is when this failure is repeated and the patient cannot manage, after having received several embryonic transfers.
Embryo transfer and implantation
Embryo transfer It is a personalized procedure that will depend on the development of embryos. Depending on the evolution of these, the transfer will be made one day or another. “While it is true that the range of days in which the embryo transfer is carried out is between day 2 and day 6 after the egg has been fertilized, provided that the conditions allow it we transfer embryos in the stages of the most advanced development possible, since this allows us to evaluate them better and therefore select those that are most likely to implant, ”explains infertility specialist in Delhi. Embryonic selection is key to avoid implantation failure and achieve gestation, so we increasingly transfer more embryos in a blastocyst state.
Implantation bleeding
The implantation bleeding is slight bleeding may well be confused with menstrual bleeding. It occurs because the uterus is very irrigated and this can make it bleed easily. It is not a red bleeding but more brownish, however, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate it. The most indicated in these cases is to consult with the infertility doctor in Delhi at the beginning of this bleeding. She will give the most timely indication, depending on the day on which it occurs after the embryo transfer.
What tests to deal with repeated implantation failure
As we said at the beginning of this post, one or two implementation failures during infertility treatment in Delhi are not a sign of repetition. The patient must have transferred at least 6 embryos of good quality and not have achieved implantation to consider a study and proceed to:
- Discard the presence of a uterine, myoma and uterine malformation with low receptivity.
- Examine the karyotype of both parents to see if there is a structural alteration in one of the chromosomes that predisposes to abortion or the failure of IVF treatments.
- Evaluate thyroid hormones.
- Discard thrombophilias and autoimmune diseases.
- Study of the alloimmune cause.
These tests may show some problem that indicates the cause of repeated implantation failure. If so, an appropriate treatment can solve the problem to achieve implantation, says gynecologist in Delhi.