Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common reason to see a gynecologist in Delhi during pregnancy. Most pregnant women have some degree of back pain. Women who had previous back pain or are overweight have an increased risk of back pain during pregnancy. Below are possible causes, as well as ways to prevent and relieve back pain.

The road to greater well-being
There are several causes of back pain during pregnancy. These are due to the changes that occur in your body.

Pressure on the back muscles:
As your baby grows, your uterus expands and becomes heavier. This increases the weight on the back muscles. You can find yourself leaning back or arching your lower back. Pressure can cause back pain or stiffness.

Weakness in stomach muscles:
Your growing baby also puts pressure on the stomach muscles. This can cause them to stretch and weaken. Your stomach and your back muscles are connected. The back muscles have to work harder to compensate for the belly.

Pregnancy can change your center of gravity. The way you move, sit and stand can cause pain in your back and other parts of your body. A compressed nerve due to poor posture can also cause pain.

Pregnancy hormones:
Many hormones change for different reasons when you are pregnant. When your pregnancy progresses, hormones increase to relax the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. This prepares your body for childbirth. If your muscles and ligaments become too loose, they can cause back pain.

Anxiety and accumulated tension can tighten or stiffen the back muscles.
To help prevent back pain, consider how you feel, stop and move, and how you sleep.
  • Sit in a way that supports your back. Choose a lumbar support chair or place a pillow behind your lower back. Try to lift your feet to increase blood flow and avoid slouching.
  • Sit down and stand straight. Try to keep your back aligned with your bottom and legs, instead of arching your lower back. Do not sit or stand in the same position for a long time. It could pinch a nerve. Do not lock your knees. If you have to stand for long periods, try resting one foot at a time on a box or stool.
  • Wear low-heeled shoes that are comfortable and support your entire body. It may be useful to use anatomical insoles. Avoid shoes with heels that can make you lose your balance.
  • Sleep on a mattress that is not too soft and offers support. When you are pregnant, it is better to sleep on your side. Place pillows under your stomach and between your legs for added support. Try to avoid sleeping on your back. This can put pressure on your uterus and cut off the blood flow to your baby.
  • Do not twist or make sudden movements that can tighten the back or stomach muscles.
  • Don't lift things leaning forward. Instead, keep your back straight and stand up with your legs instead of your back. Be careful not to lift or carry too much weight at a time.
  • Exercise a lot This will help strengthen the muscles of the back and stomach, and improve posture. Talk to the best gynecologist in Delhi about what type of exercise is safe. Walking and swimming often do well. If you were very active before pregnancy, you can continue doing the same level of activity. Certain movements and stretches, such as Kegel exercises, also prepare you for childbirth.
  • Wear maternity pants. Wide elastic waistband provides additional support.
If you have back pain, these tips can help relieve pain and stiffness.
  • Apply heat or a cold compress on your back. Avoid putting extreme temperatures in your stomach.
  • Take acetaminophen.
  • Look for ways to relieve stress. Learn breathing exercises or take a prenatal yoga class.
  • Get a prenatal massage from a certified therapist.
  • Ask your gynecologist in South Delhi about alternative medicine. This could include acupuncture or a chiropractic adjustment, or also osteopathic manipulation. It moves your muscles and joints by stretching them and exerting gentle pressure.
Aspects to consider
The best gynecologist in South Delhi does not recommend some imaging studies when low back pain has been present for less than six weeks. The exception is if there is a serious risk, such as a neurological problem. Research shows that images taken before 6 weeks do not improve results. Health care costs increase. Some imaging diagnoses may not be safe during pregnancy. Talk to your gynecologist in Lajpat Nagar about the benefits and risks of all medication options.

When to consult the gynecologist in Delhi
  • Your pain gets worse or does not go away after two weeks. Back pain could be a sign of premature delivery.
  • Loses sensation in the back, legs, pelvis or genital area.
  • You have a fever, burning sensation when urinating or vaginal bleeding. You may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a kidney infection.
  • You have an injury or trauma that causes back pain.
Questions to ask your gynecologist in Defence Colony
  • How do I know if my back pain is intense or not?
  • What type of exercise is safe during pregnancy?
  • Is it safe to receive a massage during pregnancy?
  • Will my back pain go away after giving birth?

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

High Risk Pregnancy: Causes, Care and Treatment

One of the main concerns of women who want to have a baby is to have a High-Risk Pregnancy.
It is a type of pregnancy that, either due to pre-existing maternal disease or produced by the pregnancy itself, requires a more exhaustive control of it.
Next, we want to help you know how to detect a high-risk pregnancy and, also, that you know the complications arising from this situation. Keep in mind that, in these cases, thorough gestation control is essential to prevent problems from increasing.

What is a High Risk Pregnancy and how is it detected?
When we talk about a high-risk pregnancy, we are referring to the fact that, due to the pregnancy itself, the woman or the baby may have some type of health complication. We have to emphasize that this is a very specific problem, since it only affects 10% of women in a state of pregnancy, however, it is important to know its existence and diagnosis.
During a high-risk pregnancy, some gynaecological, medical and obstetric situations usually occur that may endanger the health of those involved. This does not mean that, because of having this pregnancy, something bad is going to happen but that, simply, precautionary measures must be taken.

The Diagnosis of a High Risk Pregnancy
But how is a high risk pregnancy detected? There are different ways to detect the existence of this type of condition:
·        Prior detection: it is possible that, due to the gynaecological history of the future mother, there are more chances that she can develop a high-risk pregnancy. Normally, the doctor is in charge of testing to detect the woman's health condition (by blood tests, urine tests, etc.). The pre-pregnancy pathology determines that it is considered high risk
·        During pregnancy: another way to detect that a pregnancy is being at high risk is during the 9 months of gestation. Here some health problems may occur that cause gynecologist in Delhi to identify you as a pregnancy of this type (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancy)

Symptoms of High-Risk Pregnancies
If you want to be able to detect if the pregnancy you are having may have some type of risk for you or your baby, it is important that you know some of the symptoms of this condition. In general, the signs that may indicate that you are at risk are:
·        Vaginal bleeding
·        Constant and very severe headaches
·        Emergence of contractions
·        Loss of amniotic fluid before 37 weeks.
·        Blurry vision
·        Twin or triple pregnancies are considered high-risk pregnancies.
·        Chronic hypertension, pregestational diabetes, kidney, haematological or cardiac diseases prior to pregnancy also constitute a high-risk pregnancy.
However, it should always be the best gynaecologist in Delhi who diagnoses this condition. Therefore, it will be vital that, before any abnormal symptoms, go to the doctor for an exam.

Complications of a High Risk Pregnancy
It is essential that you detect in time if you suffer from a high-risk pregnancy because, otherwise, you could endanger your health and that of your baby. By consulting the gynecologist in South Delhi and following the guidelines that you set, you can better control the evolution of pregnancy and minimize the risks to the fullest.
And it is that high-risk pregnancy can cause some serious complications such as those indicated below:
·        Having a baby with a weight much lower than healthy and safe
·        Premature delivery
·        Haemorrhages
·        Malformations in the baby
·        In extreme cases, the death of the mother or the baby
For all these reasons, it is vitally important that, during pregnancy, you undergo a regular gynaecological check that checks your baby's evolution and health status.

As we have seen in the previous section, there are several causes of high-risk pregnancy. Consequently, high risk pregnancy treatment in Delhi should always focus on the origin of the risk situation.
For example, in cases of maternal hypothyroidism it is necessary to keep a regular check. It can be done through analytics that collect thyroid hormone levels.
On the other hand, if the mother is diabetic or suffers from gestational diabetes, it is important to take care of food and control blood glucose.
The same happens in cases of hypertension, where blood pressure will be monitored regularly to prevent the foetus from having repercussions.
In addition to these specific measures, there are a number of guidelines that are common in any high-risk pregnancy. The most prominent are the following:
·        Go to each and every review with your medical team.
·        Rest and avoid situations of stress or emotional overload.
·        In the case of a family history of any disease, notify the doctor immediately.
·        Do not take medication other than the usual one without consulting the specialist: not all drugs are accepted during pregnancy. Some produce malformations and other alterations on the foetus.
·        Avoid eating raw meat and fish. Sausages are also included in this group.
·        Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.
·        Avoid eating sweets and ensure a good supply of liquids.

How to prevent a High Risk Pregnancy?
Some preventive measures include:
·   Plan your pregnancy:  If you are considering having a baby, we recommend consulting with a specialist. The best gynecologist in South Delhi will indicate all the necessary care you should have. If you have a medical condition, you can receive the appropriate and timely treatment so that you can have a healthy and risk-free pregnancy.
·     Go to all your medical appointments:  Going to all your medical appointments will help you keep better control of your baby's health. In addition, you will know if a problem is developing or if you need special care.
·   Eat a healthy diet:  It is essential to have a healthy diet during pregnancy. You will need larger amounts of calcium, iron, folic acid, among other essential nutrients. You can supplement your diet with vitamin supplements. Consult your doctor if you need to eat a special diet.
·    Stop bad habits:  Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, self-medicating among other bad habits. Which only harm your health and that of your baby.
·      Gain weight properly: Obtaining the ideal weight will help you contribute to the proper development of your baby. In addition, it will be much easier to carry the extra weight. We recommend you check with your doctor so you can know the exact weight you need.

If you find yourself going through a high-risk pregnancy, you will most likely feel scared and anxious. Unfortunately, anxiety can affect your health and that of your baby. Consult with your doctor about the appropriate forms and techniques of relaxation that you can apply. For example, imagining positive things or good experiences will help you lower anxiety levels. Another excellent option is to listen to music or read interesting books to help you clear your mind.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Gynecological Problems That Challenge Emotional Well-Being

The female genitals are changing throughout life, especially during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. These changes usually lead to gynecological problems that also affect the emotional well-being of women. Next, we review the main disorders and how to prevent them in order to enjoy positive sexual health.

The vaginal atrophy, dryness, vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, the decrease in pelvic organs (uterus and vagina) or constant itching in the genital area are some of the gynecological problems most commonly affecting a large number of women of all ages.

Many of the women who suffer from these genital disorders feel embarrassed to talk about them and even feel misunderstood. This brings with it pictures of emotional instability, depression or loss of self-esteem and even breakups.

According to Dr. Sadhana Kala, gynecologist in Delhi, women are getting more aware of these problems.

Partly because women go more to consultation and also because there are more gynecological women, she points out, "which helps women open up to tell about problems they didn't feel supported before."

Until now, gynecologists used to focus on issues more related to pregnancy control and childbirth. However, “we did not realize that the genitals are changing throughout life. Until recently we did not know.”

“More than half of the women who go to the clinic to perform their gynecological examination after childbirth, do not count that they have frequent urine losses or vaginal dryness, which causes pain in their sexual relations or lack of pleasure or sexual desire”.

When do the changes arrive?
Gynecological problems and discomforts in sexual intercourse can come with pregnancy, childbirth, continuous activities that produce abdominal overexertion (such as running, doing abdominal crunches, steps, etc.), age or menopause.

Commonly, genital disorders tend to appear in the fourth decade of life. That is when oestradiol levels begin to drop in women. The alteration of this female hormone causes symptoms such as dryness or lack of lubrication in sexual intercourse. The change in metabolism also plays an important role at this stage.

Like almost all parts of the body, the woman's genitals will change throughout her life, however, "this is information that is practically not explained to them." The pregnancy and childbirth "are key moments in the life of a woman suffer pelvic floor were some very important changes."

Also, the type of delivery influences. "If it has been instrumented or not, depending on the weight of the baby, the hours of expulsion, etc ... All these influences that we see more or less damage to the pelvic floor."

“Many women assume that their sex life will not be the same after delivery. They believe that it is the price they have to pay for being mothers and that, they bear it many times with great frustration.”

Therefore, a gynecologist in South Delhi warns of the mistake that not long ago was committed by "trying to reassure them, simply telling them that their condition would improve and that it is only a matter of time."

How to prevent gynecological problems
The following table summarizes the five preventive strategies to avoid genital disorders and maintain optimal sexual health:

Having healthy sexuality and not avoiding relationships
Sexual intercourse is essential to keep the genitals healthy and feel good. "Maintaining sex contributes to genital health," she says.

Many patients who spend long periods of sexual inactivity encounter tremendous discomfort when they try to resume their sexual intercourse.

Genital hydration
Vaginal dryness causes pain and the inability to have sex. Depending on the severity, there are different solutions:
  • Early pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises
  • Genital laser (to tighten and rejuvenate vaginal tissue)
  • Creams with oestradiol (to improve tissue quality of both the vulva and the vagina)
  • Genital hyaluronic acid infiltrations
Perform pelvic floor exercises
The purpose is to prevent tissue laxity, bladder, uterus or rectum descent, hypermobility of the urethra, among other problems related to the loss of urine.

"It is very important to emphasize that these exercises should be guided by a specialist physiotherapist" and thus, avoid possible complications in cases of patients with certain pathologies.

Periodically go to the gynecologist
The best gynecologist in Delhi should be visited at least once a year or at any symptom or alarm signal. "Any doubt should always be consulted without fear of a specialist," she says.

Be alert to the changes in our body
Paying attention to any symptoms or changes observed in the body is essential. The moments of most alterations in a woman's life will be during pregnancy, postpartum and menopause.

The speed with which they begin to take care of the genital organs will stop the onset of gynecological problems. "For example, during the first three months of postpartum, thanks to the hormonal alteration, the body is very receptive to respond to treatment and completely recover abdominal and pelvic muscles, visceral descents or hyperreactive behaviors."

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Dr. Sadhana Kala, the best gynecologist in Delhi, specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It is estimated that this problem affects between 8-13% of the female population of reproductive age and can have a significant impact on fertility and quality of life. In addition, in the long term, it can favor the onset of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular health problems.

For this reason, it is important to treat this disease from a multidisciplinary point of view, which includes lifestyle control measures and medical monitoring from various specialties: gynecology, endocrinology, nutrition, and reproductive medicine. In some cases, psychological support may also be indicated, as it may affect physical appearance, sexual intercourse, and fertility.

At Moolchand Hospital, we have specialists in all these areas that work in coordination. This fact allows us to address this disease from an interdisciplinary point of view, and adapt the treatment to each case and to the lifestyle and needs of each patient, as recommended by the gynecologist in Delhi.

What does it consist of
PCOS is a dysfunction of the ovaries that can cause hormonal and metabolic alterations, as well as irregularities in the menstrual cycle. In addition, it can occur in a very diverse way: acne, high body mass index (BMI), a tendency to obesity, anovulation, excess body hair, etc. Although its cause is not known exactly, it is believed that there is a genetic predisposition and there are several factors that can aggravate it, such as a sedentary lifestyle or improper diet.

Dr. Sadhana Kala, a gynecologist in South Delhi, explains how this problem can be kept under control.

In which cases, a medical visit is recommended
PCOS has very varied symptoms, and not all are present or occur jointly in patients suffering from it. Here, the best gynecologist in South Delhi indicates some of the most frequent. If you have at least two of them, you should request a visit:
  • Irregular cycles or absence of rules for long periods.
  • Excess hair in areas where women usually have little hair.
  • Acne and oily skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Difficulty losing weight or tendency to obesity.
  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • The ovulation test always negative.
  • Ovaries of polycystic appearance, that is, they have a very high number of follicles.
What treatments are there?
The way in which this syndrome is presented is very different in each woman, so we cannot generalize the treatment. The first thing to do is to confirm the diagnosis.

To do this, in addition to a first visit to know the family history and medical history, it is necessary to perform several tests, such as a blood test and a gynecological ultrasound, which will determine if the patient has a higher level of male androgen hormones -androgens- than normal and polycystic ovaries.

The first option is the implementation of dietary control measures and lifestyle. With this, it is possible to prevent weight gain and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular problems, in addition to improving menstrual regularity, ovulation and the probability of pregnancy.

In some cases, pharmacological treatment may be indicated, by taking contraceptives, which keep the ovaries at rest, which contributes to reducing excess body hair and acne.

If you want to get pregnant but do not ovulate regularly, a hormonal stimulation treatment to induce ovulation may be indicated, and if you have an added fertility problem, the start-up of an assisted reproduction treatment would be studied.